Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS)

The LOSS Team provides local outreach to suicide survivors. A partnership with Mental Health America of Greater Tarrant County (MHA) alongside local police departments, the LOSS Team provides local outreach to suicide survivors.

LOSS Team provides support and resources, as well as an installation of hope, to survivors as close to the time of their loss as possible. LOSS Team members are available to provide postvention support and resources to bereaved loved ones after a sudden loss to suicide.

If you wish to become a LOSS Team volunteer, it is encouraged to be at least 2 years removed from your suicide loss. Complete the volunteer application and/or submit your paper version to Volunteer@mhmrtc.org.

If you would like more information about LOSS Team, utilizing our services, becoming a member, training for your organization, or if you need a speaker or outreach, contact us: (682) 263-LOSS (5677), Community Event and Speaker Requests Form.

Survivors of Suicide Group
Meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month
Time – 7:00-8:30pm
Location – 3136 W 4th Street, Ft Worth, TX 76107